Texas Age-Adjusted Death Rate (per 100,000)
Year: 2005-2012
Causes of Death: Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)

Map with tooltips
     AADR (Areas) 
       0.0 - 21.9 (85) 
       22.0 - 29.9 (85) 
       30.0 - 93.0 (84) 
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Unique ID for Analysis: 1303mwpb (1303MWPB)
Compiled / Run: Mar 3 2021 / Mar 3 2021
Platform / Run Time: VitalWeb Ajax / 1 second
Range Type: Equal Counts | Color Palette: Seq Blue
Age Adjustment: 2000 US Population; 0, 1-, 5-, 15-, 25-, ..., 75+
Data Scenario: Texas County Level ICD-10 Underlying Cause Deaths
Death Data Source: Texas Dept of State Health Services
Population data sources: Texas DSHS and Texas State Data Center