Year: 2012
Race: White, Black, Hispanic
Place of Residence: Texas
Causes of Death: Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)
Age White Black Hispanic Total
0 to 9 * * * *
10 to 19 * * * 5
20 to 29 8 11 9 28
30 to 39 37 26 31 94
40 to 49 103 71 87 261
50 to 59 265 152 275 692
60 to 69 552 191 419 1,162
70 to 99+ 1,452 398 924 2,774
Total 2,417 853 1,748 *

Links to Additional Output Formats:
Unique ID, for keeping track of analyses: 9b25dhej (9B25DHEJ)
Compiled / run: Nov 23 2019 / Nov 25 2019 (1 s) (VitalWeb Ajax)
Data Scenario: Texas County Level ICD-10 Underlying Cause Deaths
Race not selected: Other
Suppress cell (*) if 0 to 3 events in cell.
Suppress row / column total (*) if 1 suppressed cell in row / column.
Death data source: Texas Department of State Health Services