Year: 2012
Place of Residence: Texas
Causes of Death: All causes of death (A00-Y89)
Age Male Female Total
13 37 28 65
14 45 26 71
15 66 31 97
16 85 47 132
17 95 43 138
18 173 70 243
Total 501 245 746
Unknown values omitted from table: (Age) (2)
Tabular Chart (10 unit bar = 17.300 Deaths):
Age Male Female
13 21 unit bar 16 unit bar
14 26 unit bar 15 unit bar
15 38 unit bar 18 unit bar
16 49 unit bar 27 unit bar
17 55 unit bar 25 unit bar
18 100 unit bar 40 unit bar

Links to Additional Output Formats:
Unique ID, for keeping track of analyses: 9b25iuxq (9B25IUXQ)
Compiled / run: Nov 23 2019 / Nov 25 2019 (1 s) (VitalWeb Ajax)
Data Scenario: Texas County Level ICD-10 Underlying Cause Deaths
Death data source: Texas Department of State Health Services