Age-Adjusted BRFSS Percents

Rationale: To compare risk or prevalence between populations with different age structures, it is generally recommended to adjust for age. Age-adjusted rates are used to compare death rates between populations. When possible, Healthy People 2010 and 2020 Objectives with BRFSS data use age-adjustment.

Example: Without age-adjustment, analyses can be misleading or incorrect, as shown below:

Percent Yes (Not Age-Adjusted) (Not AA)

Percent Yes (Is Age-Adjusted) (Is AA)

Summary table showing the differences:

Ever had diabetes (excluding pregnancy)?
Race Weighted % Yes
Not AA Is AA
White 7.1% 6.4%
Black 12.1% 12.9%
Hispanic 8.0% 11.4%

Not AA - Hispanic (8.0%) - White (7.1%) = 0.9% (Misleading)

Is AA - Hispanic (11.4%) - White (6.4%) = 5.0% (Correct)

Status: We have added age-adjusted percents to Vitalnet BRFSS Query & Mapping Software. This lets you quickly and reliably do BRFSS age-adjusted analyses, with:

• No programming knowledge required.
• Assurance of correct, fully documented results.
• Publication-ready results quickly and automatically produced.

Verification: By comparing with existing age-adjusted analyses from other sources, we verified Vitalnet is producing correct BRFSS age-adjusted percents.

Population standard: We use distribution #10 from Klein and Schoenborn (2001). If your state uses a different standard, we can build it in as you specify.

Contact us if you have suggestions / comments, or to license Vitalnet BRFSS Query & Mapping Software to make better use of your data.