How to Analyze COVID-19 Data

Dear Public Health Professional:

Face it. Things didn't go well. COVID-19 overwhelmed the US public health system. Sure, there were bright spots. But overall things did not work very well for the US. As part of that, there was a lot of public health employee stress and turnover.

A significant part of the problem was the weak US public health data infrastructure. Even where data are collected, they tend to gather dust or be difficult to access. The "home-grown" data dissemination systems are expensive and poorly performing.

The unfulfilled priority to make best use of public health data always existed. COVID-19 merely made it more obvious. Now is the time to fill the gap. We can meet the need.

What is Vitalnet? Vitalnet is a fully functioning "Data Awarehouse" for analyzing large complex health data sets (birth, death, cancer registry, BRFSS, many more). It runs on the desktop (enterprise data warehouse) or over the internet (web-based query system). Vitalnet quickly and easily makes beautiful publication-ready tables, charts, and maps.

Why is Vitalnet so great for COVID-19 data? Three powerful reasons:

Big Reason #1: Vitalnet analyzes underlying cause death data much better than any alternative, in many different ways: Fully granular (record-level data). Makes results in seconds. Flat-rate license. All support included. Specially customized. Fully operational within two months. Runs on desktop and over internet. Responsive and mobile-friendly. Internationalized. Recoding on the fly ("sets"). New data imported (ETL) within one week.

Big Reason #2: Vitalnet fully analyzes multiple cause mortality data. There is controversy concerning whether COVID-19 deaths were maybe under- or over-counted. Don’t get sucked into the argument. Just provide access to the multiple cause data and sit back. Most elders who died with COVID-19 had pre-existing conditions, such as cancer, dementia, diabetes, heart disease. Many elders have multiple illnesses. We all know that. But we have mistakenly continued to rely on underlying cause only. Don’t. Vitalnet lets you, your analysts, and the public use the full richness of the data.

Big Reason #3: Vitalnet can analyze and disseminate ANY record-level data set. Yes, you heard right, any! Your agency likely has novel data sets (besides death data) with other COVID-19 information. Testing. Vaccinations. Hospitalizations. Probably other. We can quickly set up a fully-working, easy-to-use Vitalnet module for any record-level data set you have, no matter how large or complex. Nobody else has that track record.

We are ready to provide the solution. If you plan to issue a query system RFP, please let us know. And please allow for a COTS solution, to assure rapid project success and best value for your agency. Vitalnet is a professional turnkey solution. Please contact us to request a fully working demo with data of your choosing included. Thank you!
