Vitalnet Accessibility - Section 508
Section 508 - Vitalnet web pages, web interfaces, and output comply with 1) WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines at the AA level, and 2) Section 508 §1194.22, for access to people with disabilities. W3C Markup Validator and WAVE are used to help verify compliance. VitalWeb has been tested with screen reading software, with users with no light perception, and works well. The Section 508 requirements are:
A. Alt text - A text equivalent is provided for every non-text element.
B. Multimedia - Alternative multimedia presentations are synchronized with the presentation.
C. Color - All information conveyed with color is available without color.
D. Style sheets - Documents are readable without a style sheet.
E. Image maps - Redundant text links provided for each active region of a server-side image map.
F. Image maps - Use client-side instead of server-side image maps.
G. Data tables - Row and column headers are identified for data tables.
H. Data tables - Markup associates data and header cells for data tables with at least two logical levels of row or column headers.
I. Frames - Frames are titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation.
J. Flicker - No screen flicker greater than 2 Hz or lower than 55 Hz.
K. Text-only - A text-only page is provided, with equivalent information or functionality, if no other way to comply.
L. Scripting - When pages use scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script is identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology.
M. Plug-ins - If a plug-in or other application is required, the page provides a link that complies with § 1194.21 (A-L).
N. Forms - People using assistive technology may complete and submit forms, including directions and cues.
O. Skip navigation - Users can skip repetitive navigation links.
P. Timeouts - If a timed response, the user is alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required.
NOTE: Items B, E, I, K, and P do not apply to Vitalnet.